February 2016 will be…, 

Cherry Month
George Washington may have cut down the cherry tree, but Cherry Month is here to build up the humble cherry, to celebrate its delectable deliciousness, and to make all possible forms of edible cherry delights.
Since ancient times, cherries have been enjoyed for their yummy, sweet taste and their anti-inflammatory and pain-relief properties. As it turns out, recent research adds to the cherry’s resume highlights to include anti-oxidant, and heart disease and cancer fighting properties. Cherries have been elevated to the super-fruit category, and Cherry Month includes suitable super events. Some people celebrate cherries in a gigantic way, like those in Oliver, BC who made their way into the Guinness Book of World Records in 1990 with a 20-foot-diameter cherry pie weighing nearly 38,000 pounds. Don’t have a pie-plate that big? Don’t worry – pit-spitting and pie-eating are also contested hotly by cherry-loving merry-makers during Cherry Month.